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Here are some interviews from experts in the Asian- American Literature field. Hearing their perspectives will shed light on the significance of this genre.

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Dr. Roberta Wolfson

A lecturer in the Program in Writing and Rhetoric at Stanford University. In this interview Dr. Wolfson provides an introduction to Asian American Literature. 


Dr. Grace I. Yeh

A professor and the Interim Chair of the Communications Department at California Polytechnic State University- San Luis Obispo. Dr. Yeh discusses the impact of oral histories on Asian American Literature. 


Shuli de la Fuente- Lau

Shuli runs the Instagram account @asianlitforkids, which displays BIPOC centered children's stories. Shuli answers questions about why accurate representation should be abundant for children. 


Soham Patel

Soham is an author and a poetry editor at The Georgia Review. She was also a Kundiman fellow. In this interview she talks about Contemporary Asian American Literature.


Lisa Macapinlac- Rockefeller

Lisa is an educator, a mother, and a community member. She is based in San Francisco, California. She speaks about her experience in the Asian American community in this interview

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More Interviews to Come!

I am always looking for new community members to interview! Please let me know if you or someone you know is interested in collaborating on this project!

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